Master Course Cognitive Neuroscience - Radboud University, Nijmegen





Chapter 2:  Cells and within cells



DNA and genes


Receptor Mechanisms



   More on DNA

   Proteins, Protein Structure and Protein Analysis

   Ion channel receptors




   Protein folding in the cell

   Tyrosine kinase receptors

Within cells


   Post-translational modifications of proteins

   G-protein-coupled receptors
   Amino ac, Carbohydr, Lipids and Nucleic ac

   Noncoding RNAs

   Protein degradation in the cell - Autophagy


   Membranes and Membrane Proteins

   miRNAs and the brain

   Protein secretion / Secretory pathway

   Transcription and signalling

   The Exctracellular Matrix

       Transcription factor receptors



Membranes and Membrane proteins


Biological membranes

Biological membranes are composed of lipid, protein and carbohydrate that exist in a fluid state. Biological membranes are the structures that define and control the composition of the space that they enclose. All membranes exist as dynamic structures whose composition changes throughout the life of a cell. In addition to the outer membrane that results in the formation of a typical cell (this membrane is often referred to as the plasma membrane), cells contain intracellular membranes that serve distinct functions in the formation of the various intracellular organelles, e.g. the nucleus and the mitochondria.

Composition and structure of biological membranes

The carbohydrates of membranes are attached either to lipid-forming glycolipids of various classes, or to proteins forming glycoproteins. The lipid and protein compositions of membranes vary from cell type to cell type as well as within the various intracellular compartments that are defined by intracellular membranes. Protein concentrations can range from around 20% to as much as 70% of the total mass of a particular membrane. The lipids making up components of membranes are of three major classes that includes glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and cholesterol. Sphingolipids and glycerophospholipids constitute the largest percentage of the lipid weight of biological membranes. The hydrocarbon tails of these two classes of lipid result in steric limitations to their packing such that they will form disk-like micelles. The structure of these micelles results from the interactions of the hydrophobic tails of the lipids and the exposure of the polar head groups to the aqueous environment. This orientation results in what is referred to as a lipid bilayer and is diagrammed in the figure below. Lipid bilayers are essentially two-dimensional fluids and the lipid components of the bilayer can diffuse laterally and in fact evidence demonstrates that this lateral diffusion occurs readily. Lipids in the bilayer can also undergo transverse diffusion (also called a flip-flop) where the lipid diffuses from one surface to the other. However, because the flip-flop requires the polar head group to pass through the hydrocarbon core of the bilayer the process is extremely rare. Enzymes have been identified that facilitate the flip-flop process and these enzymes are referred to as flipases.

structure of a lipid bilayerStructure of a typical lipid bilayer

Biological membranes also contain proteins, glycoproteins, and lipoproteins. Proteins associated with membranes are of two general types: integral and peripheral. Integral membrane proteins (also called intrinsic proteins) are tightly bound to the membrane through hydrophobic interactions and are inserted into and/or penetrate the lipid bilayer. In contrast, peripheral membrane proteins (also called extrinsic proteins) are only loosely associated with the membrane either through interactions with the polar head groups of the lipids or through interactions with integral membrane proteins. Peripheral membrane proteins are most often, if not exclusively, found on the cytosolic face of the plasma membrane or the lumenal surface of subcellular organelle membranes. Proteins that are found associated with membranes can also be modified by lipid attachment (lipoproteins). The lipid portion of a lipoprotein anchors the protein to the membrane either through interaction with the lipid bilayer directly or through interactions with integral membrane proteins. Lipoproteins associated with membranes contain one of three types of covalent lipid attachment. The lipids are isoprenoids such as farnesyl and geranylgeranyl residues, fatty acids such as myristic and palmitic acid, and glycosylphosphatidylinositol, GPI (termed glipiated proteins).


Activities of biological membranes

Although biological membranes contain various types of lipids and proteins, their distribution between the two different sides of the bilayer is asymmetric. As a general example the outer surface of the bilayer is enriched in phosphatidylethanolamine, whereas the intracellular surface is enriched in phosphatidylcholine. Carbohydrates, whether attached to lipid or protein, are almost exclusively found on the external surfaces of membranes. The asymmetric distribution of lipids and proteins in membranes results in the generation of highly specialized sub-domains within membranes. In addition, there are highly specialized membrane structures such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the Golgi apparatus and vesicles. The most important vesicles are those that contain secreted factors. Membrane bound proteins (e.g. growth factor receptors) are processed as they transit through the ER to the Golgi apparatus and finally to the plasma membrane. As these proteins transit to the surface of the cell they undergo a series of processing events that includes glycosylation.

The vesicles that pinch off from the Golgi apparatus are termed coated vesicles. The membranes of coated vesicles are surrounded by specialized scaffolding proteins that will interact with the extracellular environment. There are three major types of coated vesicles that are characterized by their protein coats. Clathrin-coated vesicles contain the protein clathrin and are involved in transmembrane protein, GPI-linked protein and secreted protein transit to the plasma membrane. COPI (COP = coat protein) forms the surface of vesicles involved in the transfer of proteins between successive Golgi compartments. COPII forms the surface of vesicles that transfer proteins from the ER to the Golgi apparatus. Clathrin-coated vesicles are also involved in the process of endocytosis such as occurs when the LDL receptor binds plasma LDLs for uptake by the liver. The membrane location of these types of receptors is called a clathrin-coated pit.

In addition, certain cells have membrane compositions that are unique to one surface of the cell versus the other. For instance epithelial cells have a membrane surface that interacts with the lumenal cavity of the organ and another that interacts with the surrounding cells. The membrane surface of cells that interacts with lumenal contents is referred to as the apical surface or domain, the rest of the membrane is referred to as the basolateral surface or domain. The apical and basolateral domains do not intermix and contain different compositions of lipid and protein.

Most eukaryotic cells are in contact with their neighboring cells and these interactions are the basis of the formation of organs. Cells that abut one another are in metabolic contact which is brought about by specialized tubular particles called gap junctions. Gap junctions are intercellular channels and their presence allows whole organs to be continuous from within. One major function of gap junctions is to ensure a supply of nutrients to cells of an organ that are not in direct contact with the blood supply. Gap junctions are formed from a type of protein called a connexin.

Given the predominant lipid nature of biological membranes many types of molecules are restricted in their ability to diffuse across a membrane. This is especially true for charged ions, water and hydrophilic compounds. The barrier to membrane translocation is overcome by the presence of specialized channels and transporters. Although channels and transporters are required to move many types of molecules and compounds across membranes, some substances can pass through from one side of a membrane to the other through a process of diffusion. Diffusion of gases such as O2, CO2, NO, and CO occurs at a rate that is solely dependent upon concentration gradients. Lipophilic molecules will also diffuse across membranes at a rate that is directly proportional to the solubility of the compound in the membrane. Although water can diffuse across biological membranes, the physiological need for rapid equilibrium across plasma membranes has lead to the evolution of a family of water transporting channels that are called aquaporins.


Membrane channels

The definition of a channel (or a pore) is that of a protein structure that facilitates the translocation of molecules or ions across the membrane through the creation of a central aqueous channel in the protein. This central channel facilitates diffusion in both directions dependent upon the direction of the concentration gradient. Channel proteins do not bind or sequester the molecule or ion that is moving through the channel. Specificity of channels for ions or molecules is a function of the size and charge of the substance. The flow of molecules through a channel can be regulated by various mechanisms that result in opening or closing of the passageway.

Membrane channels are of three distinct types. The α-type channels are homo- or hetero-oligomeric structures that in the latter case consist of several dissimilar proteins. This class of channel protein has between 2 and 22 transmembrane α-helical domains which explains the derivation of their class. Molecules move through α-type channels down their concentration gradients and thus require no input of metabolic energy. Some channels of this class are highly specific with respect to the molecule translocated across the membrane while others are not. In addition, there may be differences from tissue to tissue in the channel used to transport the same molecule. As an example, there are over 15 different K+-specific voltage-regulated channels in humans. The transport of molecules through α-type channels occurs by several different mechanisms. These mechanisms include changes in membrane potential (termed voltage-regulated or voltage-gated), phosphorylation of the channel protein, intracellular Ca2+, G-proteins, and organic modulators.

The β-barrel channels (also called porins) are so named because they have a transmembrane domain that consists of β-strands forming a β-barrel structure. Porins are found in the outer membranes of mitochondria. The mitochondrial porins are voltage-gated anion channels that are involved in mitochondrial homeostasis and apoptosis.

The pore-forming toxins represent the third class of membrane channels. Although this is a large class of proteins first identified in bacteria, there are a few proteins of this class expressed in mammalian cells. The defensins are a family of small cysteine-rich antibiotic proteins that are pore-forming channels found in epithelial and hematopoietic cells. The defensins are involved in host defense against microbes (hence the derivation of their name) and may be involved in endocrine regulation during infection.


Membrane transporters

Transporters are distinguished from channels because they catalyze (mediate) the movement of ions and molecules by physically binding to and moving the substance across the membrane. Transporter activity can be measured by the same kinetic parameters applied to the study of enzyme kinetics. Transporters exhibit specificity for the molecule being transported as well as show defined kinetics in the transport process. Transporters can also be affected by both competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors. Transporters are also known as carriers, permeases, translocators, translocases, and porters. The action of transporters is divided into two classifications: passive-mediated transport (also called facilitated diffusion) and active transport. Facilitated diffusion involves the transport of specific molecules from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration which results in an equilibration of the concentration gradient. Glucose transporters are a good example of passive-mediated (facilitative diffusion) transporters. Another important class of passive-mediated transporters are the K+ channels.

In contrast, active transporters transport specific molecules from an area of low concentration to that of high concentration. Because this process is thermodynamically unfavorable, the process must be coupled an exergonic process, e.g. hydrolysis of ATP. There are many different classes of transporters that couple the hydrolysis of ATP to the transport of specific molecules. In general these transporters are referred to as ATPases. These ATPases are so named because they are autophosphorylated by ATP during the transport process. There are four different types of ATPases that function in eukaryotes: E-type ATPases are cell surface transporters that hydrolyze a range of nucleoside triphosphates that includes extracellular ATP; F-type ATPases function in the translocation of H+ in the mitochondria during the process of oxidative phosphorylation; F-type transporters contain rotary motors; P-type ATPases are mostly found in the plasma membrane and are involved in the transport of H+, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, and Mg2+. These transporters represent one of the largest families found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes; V-type ATPases are located in acidic vesicles and lysosomes and have homology to the F-type ATPases and also contain rotary motors like F-type ATPases. A-type ATPases are archaeal bacterial transporters that function like the F-type class of ATPases.



The ABC family of transporters

The ABC transporters comprise the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily. All members of this superfamily of membrane proteins contain a conserved ATP-binding domain and use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to drive the transport of various molecules across all cell membranes. There are 48 known members of the ABC transporter superfamily and they are divided into seven subfamilies based upon phylogenetic analyses. These seven subfamilies are designated ABCA through ABCG. Each member of a given subfamily is distinguished with numbers (e.g. ABCA1). In order to keep the size of the following Table limited, only those ABC transporters (of the 48 known genes) whose functions have been defined or assessed by in vitro assays are included.

Gene Symbol Other Names Chromosome Functions/Comments
ABCA1 ABC1 9q31.1 transfer of cellular cholesterol and phospholipids to HDLs (reverse cholesterol transport), defects in gene associated with development of Tangier disease
ABCA2 ABC2 9q34 role in delivery of LDL-derived free cholesterol to the endoplasmic reticulum for esterification, involved in protection against reactive oxygen species, drug resistance
ABCA4 ABCR 1p22.1–p22 expressed exclusively in retinal photoreceptors, efflux of all trans-retinal aldehyde
ABCB1 PGY1, MDR1 7p21.1 PGY1=P-glycoprotein 1; MDR1=multidrug resistance protein 1, multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein, is an integral component of the blood-brain barrier, transports a number of drugs from the brain back into the blood
ABCB2 TAP1, PSF1, APT1 6p21.3 TAP1=transporter, ATP-binding cassette, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 1; PSF1=peptide supply factor 1; APT1=antigen peptide transporter1; peptide transport from cytosol to MHC class I molecules in the ER; functions as a heterodimer with ABCB3/TAP2
ABCB3 TAP2, PSF2, APT2 6p21 TAP2=transporter, ATP-binding cassette, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2; PSF2=peptide supply factor 2; APT2=antigen peptide transporter1; peptide transport from cytosol to MHC class I molecules in the ER; functions as a heterodimer with ABCB2/TAP1
ABCB4 PGY3, MDR3 77q21.1 PGY3=P-glycoprotein 3; MDR3=multidrug resistance protein 3, class III multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein, canalicular phospholipid translocator, biliary phosphatidylcholine transport, defects in gene associated with 6 liver diseases: progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3 (PFIC3), adult biliary cirrhosis, transient neonatal cholestasis, drug-induced cholestasis, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, and low phospholipid-associated cholelithiasis syndrome
ABCB6 MTABC3 1q42 mitochondrial transporter involved in heme biosynthesis, transports porphyrins into mitochondria
ABCB7 ABC7 Xq12–q13 iron-sulfur (Fe/S) cluster transport
ABCB11 BSEP, SPGP 2q24 BSEP=bile salt export protein, bile salt transport out of hepatocytes, gene defects associated with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 (PFIC2)
ABCC1 MRP1 16p13.1 MRP1=multidrug resistance associated protein 1, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) release from mast cells which enhances their migration, uses glutathione as a co-factor in mediating resistance to heavy metal oxyanions
ABCC2 MRP2, CMOAT 10q24 MRP2=multidrug resistance associated protein 2, CMOAT=canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter, biliary excretion of many non-bile organic anions, gene defects result in Dubin-Johnson syndrome
ABCC3 MRP3, CMOAT3 17q21.3 MRP3=multidrug resistance associated protein 3, CMOAT3=canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter, drug resistance
ABCC4 MRP4, MOATB 13q32 MRP4=multidrug resistance associated protein 4, MOATB=multispecific organic anion transporter B, enriched in prostate, regulator of intracellular cyclic nucleotide levels, mediator of cAMP-dependent signal transduction to the nucleus
ABCC5 MRP5, MOATC 3q27 MRP5=multidrug resistance associated protein 5, MOATB=multispecific organic anion transporter C, resistance to thiopurines and antiretroviral nucleoside analogs
ABCC6 MRP6, PXE 16p13.1 MRP6=multidrug resistance associated protein 6, PXE=pseudoxanthoma elasticum, a rare disorder in which the skin, eyes, heart, and other soft tissues become calcified
CFTR ABCC7 7q31.2 CFTR=cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, chloride ion channel, gene defects result in cyctic fibrosis
ABCC8 SUR 11p15.1 SUR=sulfonylurea receptor, target of the type 2 diabetes drugs such as glipizide
ABCD1 ALD Xq28 involved in the import and/or anchoring of very long-chain fatty acid-CoA synthetase (VLCFA-CoA synthetase) to the peroxisomes, gene defects result in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (XALD)
ABCD2 ALDR 12q12 adrenoleukodystrophy-related protein, also found in peroxisomal membranes, modifier that contributes to phenotypic variability seen in XALD, can restore peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation defect of XALD liver cells
ABCD3 PMP70, PXMP1 1p21.3 70kDa peroxisomal membrane protein, also called peroxisomal membrane protein 1, mutation associated with Zellweger syndrome 2 (ZWS2)
ABCD4 PMP69, P70R, PXMP1L 14q24.3 related to the other ABCD family members but localized to ER membranes, also called peroxisomal membrane protein 1-like, mutations increase severity of XALD
ABCE1 OABP, RNS4I 4q31 OABP=oligoadenylate binding protein; RNS4I=Ribonuclease 4 inhibitor
ABCG1 ABC8, White1 21q22.3 involved in mobilization and efflux of intracellular cholesterol, responsible for approximately 20% of cholesterol efflux to HDLs (reverse cholesterol transport)
ABCG2 ABCP, MXR, BCRP 4q22 ABCP=ATP-binding cassette transporter, placenta-specific; MXR=mitoxantrone-resistance protein; BCRP=breast cancer resistance protein, xenobiotic transporter, plays a major role in multidrug resistance, heme and porphyrin export
ABCG4 White2 11q23.3 expression restricted to astrocytes and neurons, cholesterol and sterol efflux to HDL-like particles in the CNS, may function in sterol transport with ABCG1 in cells where the two genes are co-expressed, may increase lipidation of apoE in Alzheimer disease
ABCG5 White3 2p21 forms an obligate heterodimer with ABCG8, expressed in intestinal enterocytes and hepatocytes, functions to limit plant sterol and cholesterol absorption from the diet by facilitating efflux out of enterocytes into the intestinal lumen and out of hepatocytes into the bile
ABCG8  Sterolin 2 2p21 see above for ABCG5

The solute carrier family of transporters

The solute carrier (SLC) family of transporters includes over 300 proteins functionally grouped into 47 families. The SLC family of transporters includes facilitative transporters, primary and secondary active transporters, ion channels, and the aquaporins. The aquaporins are so named because they constitute water channels (see above). Given the scope of this discussion it is not possible to cover all of the transporters in each of the 47 families. Listed below are several of the families of SLC transporters and within each family is a description of several member proteins. All of the members of a particular family are not included due to space limitations. Focus is primarily on solute carriers discussed on other web pages in this site or due to known clinical significance.

SLC Family Functional Class Member Names / Comments
1 high affinity glutamate and neutral amino acid transporters SLC1A1, SLC1A2, SLC1A3, SLC1A4, SLC1A5, SLC1A6, SLC1A7
SLC1A4 and SLC1A5 are the neutral amino acid transporters

decreased expression of SLC1A2 is associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS = Lou Gehrig disease)
2 facilitative GLUT transporters SLC2A1, SLC2A2, SLC2A3, SLC2A4, SLC2A5, SLC2A6, SLC2A7, SLC2A8, SLC2A9, SLC2A10, SLC2A11, SLC2A12, SLC2A13, SLC2A14

SLC2A1 is GLUT1. This glucose transporter is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues but only at low levels in liver and skeletal muscle. This is the primary glucose transporter in erythrocytes.
SCL2A2 is GLUT2. This glucose transporter is expressed predominantly in the liver, pancreatic β-cells, kidney, and intestines.
SCL2A3 is GLUT3. This glucose transporter is found primarily in neurons and possess the lowest Km for glucose of any of the glucose transporters.
SLC2A4 is GLUT4. This glucose transporter is expressed predominantly in insulin-responsive tissues such as skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.
SLC2A5 is GLUT5 which is now known to be involved in fructose transport not glucose transport.
SCL2A13 is also called the proton (H+)
myo–inositol cotransporter, HMIT
SLC2A9 (GLUT9) is a major uric acid transporter in the liver and kidneys
3 heavy subunits of heteromeric amino acid transport SLC3A1, SLC3A2
4 bicarbonate transporters SLC4A1, SLC4A2, SLC4A3, SLC4A4, SLC4A5, SLC4A7, SLC4A8, SLC4A9, SLC4A10, SLC4A11

SLC4A7 was formerly identified as SLC4A6 and so the SLC4A6 identity is no longer used
5 sodium glucose co–transporters SLC5A1, SLC5A2, SLC5A3, SLC5A4, SLC5A5, SLC5A6, SLC5A7, SLC5A8, SLC5A9, SLC5A10, SLC5A11, SLC5A12

SLC5A2 is also known as SGLT2 which is responsible for the majority of glucose re-absorption by the kidneys and as such is a current target of therapeutic intervention in the hyperglycemia associated with type 2 diabetes
6 sodium– and chloride–dependent neurotransmitter transporters SLC6A1, SLC6A2, SLC6A3, SLC6A4, SLC6A5, SLC6A6, SLC6A7, SLC6A8, SLC6A9, SLC6A10, SLC6A11, SLC6A12, SLC6A13, SLC6A14, SLC6A15, SLC6A16, SLC6A17, SLC6A18, SLC6A19, SLC6A20

SLC6A19 is involved in neutral amino acid transport, deficiency results in Hartnup disorder; protein also called system B0 neutral amino acid transporter 1 (B0AT1)
7 cationic amino acid transporters and the glycoprotein-associated amino acid transporters SLC7A1, SLC7A2, SLC7A3, SLC7A4, SLC7A5, SLC7A6, SLC7A7, SLC7A8, SLC7A9, SLC7A10, SLC7A11
8 Na+/Ca2+ exchangers (NCK proteins) SLC8A1, SLC8A2, SLC8A3
9 Na+/H+ exchangers SLC9A1, SLC9A2, SLC9A3, SLC9A4, SLC9A5, SLC9A6, SLC9A7, SLC9A8, SLC9A9, SLC9A10
10 sodium bile salt cotransporters SLC10A1, SLC10A2, SLC10A3, SLC10A4, SLC10A5, SLC10A7

SLC10A1: also called NTCP for Na+-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide, NTCP is involved in hepatic uptake of bile acids through the sinusoidal/basolateral membrane

SLC10A3, SLC10A4, and SLC10A5 are considered orphan transporters
11 proton-coupled metal ion transporters SLC11A1, SLC11A2, SLC11A3

SLC11A2 is also known as the divalent metal-ion transporter-1 (DMT1)

SLC11A3 is now referred to as SLC40A1, this protein is more commonly called ferroportin, but is also known as iron-regulated gene 1 (IREG1), and reticuloendothelial iron transporter (MPT1)
12 electroneutral cation/Cl cotransporter SLC12A1, SLC12A2, SLC12A3, SLC12A4, SLC12A5, SLC12A6, SLC12A7, SLC12A8, SLC12A9
13 Na+–sulfate/carboxylate cotransporters SLC13A1, SLC13A2, SLC13A3, SLC13A4, SLC13A5
14 urea transporters SLC14A1, SLC14A2
15 proton oligopeptide cotransporters SLC15A1, SLC15A2, SLC15A3, SLC15A4
16 monocarboxylate transporters SLC16A1, SLC16A2, SLC16A3, SLC16A4, SLC16A5, SLC16A6, SLC16A7, SLC16A8, SLC16A9, SLC16A10, SLC16A11, SLC16A12, SLC16A13, SLC16A14
17 organic anion transporters; originally identified as type I Na+–phosphate cotransporters SLC17A1, SLC17A2, SLC17A3, SLC17A4, SLC17A5, SLC17A6, SLC17A7, SLC17A8, SLC17A9
18 vesicular amine transporters SLC18A1, SLC18A2, SLC18A3
19 folate/thiamine transporters SLC19A1, SLC19A2, SLC19A3
20 type III Na+–phosphate cotransporters SLC20A1, SLC20A2
also called Pit-1 and Pit-2 (Pi=inorganic phosphate, t=transporter)
organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATP) there are at least 11 human SLCO family members divided into 6 subfamilies identified as 1 through 6
these transporters have the nomenclature SLCO followed by the family number, subfamily letter, and member number; e.g. SLCO1B1 is a sinusoidal/basolateral membrane Na+-independent transporter, also called the organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1). SLCO1B1 was formerly identified as OATPC and also as SLC21A6.
22 organic cation transporters (OCTs), zwitterion/cation transporters (OCTNs) and  organic anion transporters (OATs) SLC22A1, SLC22A2, SLC22A3, SLC22A4, SLC22A5, SLC22A6, SLC22A7, SLC22A8, SLC22A9, SLC22A10, SLC22A11, SLC22A12, SLC22A15, SLC22A16, SLC22A17, SLC22A18, SLC22A20

SLC22A18: found in the imprinted region of chromosome 11 associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)
23 Na+–dependent ascorbic acid transporters SLC23A1, SLC23A2, SLC23A3, SLC23A4
also identified as SVCT1, SVCT2, SVCT3, and SVCT4

SLC23A3 and SLC23A4 are orphan transporters
24 Na+/Ca2+–K+ exchangers (NCKX proteins) SLC24A1, SLC24A2, SLC24A3, SLC24A4, SLC24A5, SLC24A6
25 mitochondrial carriers SLC25A1, SLC25A2, SLC25A3, SLC25A4, SLC25A5, SLC25A6, SLC25A7, SLC25A8, SLC25A9, SLC25A10, SLC25A11, SLC25A12, SLC25A13, SLC25A14, SLC25A15, SLC25A16, SLC25A17, SLC25A18, SLC25A19, SLC25A20, SLC25A21, SLC25A22, SLC25A27
26 multifunctional anion exchangers SLC26A1, SLC26A2, SLC26A3, SLC26A4, SLC26A5, SLC26A6, SLC26A7, SLC26A8, SLC26A9, SLC26A11
SLC26A10 is a pseudogene
27 fatty acid transporters (FATPs) SLC27A1, SLC27A2, SLC27A3, SLC27A4, SLC27A5, SLC27A6

FATP2 is also known as very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (VLCS); FATP5 is also known as very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase-related protein (VLACSR) or very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase homolog 2 (VLCSH2); FATP6 is also known as very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase homolog 1 (VLCSH1)
28 Na+–dependent concentrative nucleoside transport (CNTs) SLC28A1, SLC28A2, SLC28A3
29 equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs) SLC29A1, SLC29A2, SLC29A3, SLC29A4
30 efflux and compartmentalization of zinc (ZNTs) SLC30A1, SLC30A2, SLC30A3, SLC30A4, SLC30A5, SLC30A6, SLC30A7, SLC30A8, SLC30A9, SLC30A10

polymorphisms in the gene encoding SLC30A8 are associated with increased diabetes risk
31 copper transporters (CTRs) SLC31A1, SLC31A2
these mediate copper uptake

ATP7A and ATP7B are related copper transporting ATPases that mediate copper export
ATP7A is defective in Menkes disease and ATP7B is defective in Wilson disease
32 vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT) SLC32A1
also called vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT)
33 acetyl-CoA transporter (ACATN) SLC33A1
34 type II Na+–phosphate cotransporters SLC34A1, SLC34A2, SLC34A3
35 nucleoside sugar transporters at least 17 family members in humans divided into five subfamilies identified as A through E

SLC35C1 is also identified as the GDP-fucose transporter (gene symbol = FUCT1)
36 proton–coupled amino acid transporters SLC36A1, SLC36A2, SLC36A3, SLC36A4
37 sugar–phosphate/phosphate exchangers (SPXs) SLC37A1, SLC37A2, SLC37A3, SLC37A4

SLC37A4 is also known as glucose-6-phosphate transporter-1 (G6PT1) which is defective in glycogen storage disease type1b
38 sodium–coupled neutral amino acid (system N/A) transporters (SNATs) System A family includes SLC38A1, SLC38A2, SLC38A4

System N family includes SLC38A3, SLC38A5, SLC38A6
39 metal ion transporters (ZIPs) SLC39A1, SLC39A2, SLC39A3, SLC39A4, SLC39A5, SLC39A6, SLC39A7, SLC39A8, SLC39A9, SLC39A10, SLC39A11, SLC39A12, SLC39A13, SLC39A14
40 basolateral iron transporter SLC40A1 is more commonly known as as ferroportin, but is also known as iron-regulated gene 1 (IREG1) or reticuloendothelial iron transporter (MTP1); was also identified as SLC11A3 which is no longer used
41 MgtE–like magnesium transporters SLC41A1, SLC41A2, SLC41A3

MgtE is a divalent cation transporter first identified in the bacteria
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
42 Rh ammonium transporters SLC42A1, SLC42A2, SLC42A3

also identified as RhAG, RhBG, RhCG
these transporters are named for the Rh blood–group antigens; e.g. RhAG is encoded by the RHAG gene which is also designated as the CD241 gene (cluster of differentiation 241)
43 Na+–independent, system–L like amino acid transporters SLC43A1, SLC43A2, SLC43A3
44 chlorine–like transporters SLC44A1, SLC44A2, SLC44A3, SLC44A4, SLC44A5
45 putative sugar transporters SLC45A1, SLC45A2, SLC54A3, SLC45A4
46 heme transporters SLC46A1, SLC46A2
47 multidrug and toxin extrusion SLC47A1, SLC47A2


Clinical significances of transporter defects

As might be expected, defects in the expression and/or function of membrane transporters leads to the manifestation of numerous clinical disorders, including defects in ABCB7 (a protein localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane and involved in iron homeostasis) are associated with X-linked sideroblastic anemia with ataxia (XSAT) which is characterized by an infantile to early childhood onset of non-progressive cerebellar ataxia and mild anemia with hypochromia and microcytosis; defects in many members of the SLC6 family are associated with mental retardation, affective disorders, and other neurological dysfunctions (SLC6A1 defects are associated with epilepsy and schizophrenia; SLC6A2 defects are associated with depression and anorexia nervosa; SLC6A3 defects are associated with Parkinsonism, Tourette syndrome, ADHD, and substance abuse; SLC6A4 defects are associated with anxiety disorder, depression , autism, and substance abuse);



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