Master Course Cognitive Neuroscience - Radboud University, Nijmegen





Chapter 4: Genomics

  The genome Functional Genomics Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
  Genomics research Pharmacogenomics Molecular networks
  The Human Genome and HapMap Projects Genetic variations: SNPs and CNVs  




This field of study was called Pharmacogenetics in the late 1950s, but more recent developments expanding the breadth and depth of the field have led to the adoption of the term Pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics is among the first clinical applications of the Human Genome Project and is certain to have an enormous impact on the clinical practice of medicine.

Pharmacogenetics: The study of how a gene affects the way people respond to medicines, with the ultimate goal to help tailor medicines to people's unique genetic make-ups. This will make medicines safer and more effective.

Pharmacogenomics: The study of genome-derived data, including human genetic variation, and RNA and protein expression differences, to predict drug response (e.g. disposition, safety, tolerability, and efficacy) in individual patients or groups of patients. Thus, the study of many genes or entire genomes. Pharmacogenomics (that combines medicine, pharmacology and genomics) thus tries to understand the correlation between an individual patient's genetic make-up (genotype) and their response to drug treatment. Some drugs work well in some patient populations and not as well in others. Studying the genetic basis of a response of a patient  to therapeutics allows drug developers to more effectively design therapeutic treatments. Thus, through Pharmacogenomics, drugs might one day be tailor-made for individuals and their conditions, allowing prescription of the most effective drug dosage and a reduction of unwanted side effects. Pharmacogenomics is therefore the use of genetic information to predict drug response. The term drug response includes two facets: drug effectiveness (efficacy) and drug side effects. It is estimated that, on average, as much as 40% of the medicines that individuals take every day are not effective. In fact, for certain medications, the estimate of non-effectiveness is well over 50%. A drug simply does not work for every individual and many people are exposed to the problematic side effects of drugs while receiving little or no benefit. Pharmacogenomics tries to identify people whose genetic profiles or "bar codes" predict that they are inappropriate for a given medication, whether due to poor efficacy and/or adverse side effects. Pharmacogenomics allows physicians to prescribe with greater confidence, and pharmaceutical companies to more effectively target drugs where they will do the most good. The current one-size-fits-all approach to medicine will be augmented increasingly by diagnostic analysis that, for many drugs and many patients, will validate the appropriateness of certain medications before they are administered. One approach to pharmacogenomics is to directly study the genetic component of the problem (the DNA itself) to understand the way in which variations in DNA sequences contribute to phenotypic traits such as common diseases and drug responses. Thus, by applying the principles of pharmacogenomics, it may be possible to enhance the productivity of drug discovery and development. Also, by allowing better identification of genes, pathways, and drug targets, pharmacogenomics will promote development of the right drug for the right patient (see Figure 1 below). Pharmacotherapies to treat psychiatric disorders are incompletely effective. Of the patients treated with antidepressants, 10–20% react adversely and 25–35% of those who complete an adequate treatment period do not respond to the medication. This can lead to treatment for patients being selected in what has been described as a ‘trial and error’ fashion, as physicians or psychiatrists trial different pharmacological agents with their patients in order to select the best treatment. The mechanisms that cause non-response in patients with mood disorders are not well understood but in many cases are likely to be due to polymorphic genes that affect the way drugs are metabolised. Variations in drug metabolism can cause prolonged drug effects, adverse drug reactions, drug toxicity and lack of drug activation. Such effects can result in patient non-compliance and poor treatment outcome. Among the promised potential benefits of genetic research into psychiatric disorders are the pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic approaches to improving the treatment.  

Pharmacogenomics / pharmacogenetics is aimed at:

- Creating opportunities to increase the value of drugs using genetics

- Obtain greater understanding of disease

- predict disease severity, onset, progression

- identify genetic subtypes of disease

- aid in discovery of new drug targets

- Distinguish subgroups of patients who respond differently to drug treatment

- Aid in the interpretation of clinical study results

 Markers of Genetic Variation   

Polymorphism: a genetic variation that is observed at a frequency of >1% in a population
Types of Polymorphisms:
  Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): 
  Simple Sequence Length Polymorphism (SSLP):


Clinically important polymorphisms:

  • Alter amino acid sequence of the corresponding protein (functional).

  • Occur preferably within the exon or in the promoter region of the gene.

  • Reasonable prevalence in the target population.

Click First DNA fingerprint for an animation.

Click Single-locus fingerprinting for an animation.

See also under "Genetic variation: SNPs and CNVs".






Figure 1. Functional consequences of genetic polymorphisms in the b2-Adrenoreceptor (ADRB2) gene. A: homozygous Glu genotype at codon 27 is associated with greater venodilatation after the administration of isoproterenol. Homozygous Arg genotype at codon 16 is associated with B: greater airway response to oral albuterol and C: greater desensitization to isoproterenol.  FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second.



Next page: Genetic variations: SNPs and CNVs Go back to: Functional genomics