Below is a selection of a few Web Sites dealing with
ion channels and related topics. The links to the Web Sites will work only if
your computer is connected to the internet.
If you would like to take a look for some site yourself then click on the link to the right. This will take you to a Neuroscience search engine. This is a good place to begin in a search for ion channel sites.
Neuroscience animations: A collection of animations for the neurosciences including the activation of the nicotinic receptor.
Ion channel animations: You will like this site if you can get the animations working. It has a number of aniamtions of voltage-operated ion channels including an alternative model for the working of the ion sensor in the K+ channel. Also, don't miss the interactive animation "neuron" which shows how an action poteintial is generated and propagated.
Ion Channels: Structure and Function: This site mostly discusses the nicotinic receptor with lots of illustrations.
Glutamate Receptors - Structures and Functions: An extensive consideration of NMDA and AMPA receptors can be found here.
Mechanisms of synaptic transmission and neuronal integration: Ian Forsythe's website contains several animations (links found at the very bottom of the home webpage under heading "movies and animations).
On-line learning center of McGraw-Hill: A number of animations from the publisher McGraw-Hill are found here including one showing the Na+/K+ ATPase pump and another showing the working of the chemical synapse.
Animations! This site has an extensive list of links to animations concerning neurons and synapses.