G proteins on the web

search.gif (6030 bytes)Below  is a selection of a few Web Sites dealing with G protein-copuled receptors and related topics. The links to the Web Sites will work only if your computer is connected to the internet. 

If you would like to take a look for some site yourself then click on the link to the right. This will take you to a Neuroscience search engine. This is a good place to begin in a search for G proteins and G protein-coupled receptor mechansims.

Structure, Function and Folding: This site gives an overview of a research program concerning the structure, function, folding, and assembly of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).

Molecular Mechanisms: Molecular mechanisms of G protein activation are highlighted at this site.

G protein signaling: There are some very colorful figures of various aspects of G protein signaling at this site.

Links to databases: This site is a compilation of links to data bases etc in the bioinformatics of G protein coupled receptors.

Overview of G protein receptor: This is a commercial site giving a brief overview of G protein receptor signaling.

IP3 signaling & Ca2+ wave: There is another animated view of the generation of a Ca2+ wave at this site.


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